Tuesday, February 15, 2011


decided to put some of these pictures that i can find in this com. brings back many memories don't they? although we 3 can never be the same again, because of some personal reasons i still will cherish what we had before. Even though someone really dissapointed me and did me wrong. everyone do wrongs in every friendship, i don't hate you even though i should, i won't hold it against you because you were there always, but i want to apologize to you too for doing something too. even though it's 2 years ago the things, till now i still feel like i shouldn't have done it. not sure whether any of you will see this anyway, but the last time we really went out was so long ago isn't it. after that day at bbq, we kind of went our seperate ways, new crowds, admitting to hospitals etc.. and then last dec at ting's chalet we finally met again, i know it was already weird in the beginning, we all changed. but after that i realised we were still always the same, we cared about each other and all. our talk by the beach, thanks for taking care of me through my darkest times. Remember how we used to be so young and foolish? Doing all shorts of nonsense everytime, most of us grew up now. Although i will never go back to those, miss just being 3 of us, remember someone called us s.h.e and said we were irreplaceable :) 

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