Monday, February 21, 2011


Sometime i'm just so tired of just trying and trying to understand you and to be always your supporting side till the end.. I know you, but till now, i still don't know how to approach you anymore. You're so unpredictable.

Oh fck, been so long since i went club :( this week i wanna go Rebel, even if it means chiong-ing in. HAHAH. So i watched the two shows i wanted to watch during the weekends. 127 hours: 3/5, No strings attached: 5/5 awesommeeee!! Being a girl is so mafan + tiring + not worth hoh? :( Argh, school is stressing me man. Having this teacher who's obviously giving me bad marks because she's having her fcking period. Is it even my problem? Go toilet sit all day laa :( Shit, wo xiang wo xi huan le ni. -.- 

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