Sunday, March 13, 2011

Take me in your arms.

So im updating my blog because my dearest joey is reminding me to! haha, i love her, i think she always come my blog to check whether i updated or not? sweet right? she probably will be smiling now cause i wrote about her! So these are some of the pictures from bh's chalet! had a great time although i was damn tired and i went home early at 3 plus because i had to go school the next day for test :( but overall it was fun! get to see so many people that i didn't see for a very long time :) the rest of the many pictures are at fb. yes, a lot of my ugly face because i'm born ugly and late nights make everything so cui. makeup + hair blahblah! and all the sweat from dancing. haha! everyone should be at powerhouse now while i'm at home trying to study but instead im blogging. so yeah :( gonna study hard later because i have 2 exams on tuesday and essay due tmr. thursday i'm gonna go for far east movement and after that zirca most probably :) can't wait for my 2 weeks holiday to come. 

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