Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Through all the hurt, i learned to be stronger, i learned how to love a person more, i learned how to cherish someone, and i learned that there's no one that is worth more than ourselves. It seems that this is just one of those failed attempts? I was just kidding myself when i finally thought that maybe i would be lucky enough to finally start over with someone new, i thought wrong, you became just another memory like the rest.

fffffff, nuuuuuuu. Why suddenly yoututbe not workinggg? nuuuu :( fml fml fml. ok, anyway im sick again! make me super moody, and i wish i can be out now but instead i have to be at home resting. So yesterday was suppose to meet dearest beccy for dinner but i cancelled it because feel like doing something else. plus i got a feeling that she still lazy and like no mood to go out also. and i'm right! but i miss her a lot :) Last minute bh called ask wanna go uss and walk around or not. meet him and jun qiang at dg and trained down vivo to meet the rest. still haven't upload pics anw, because my face look so disgusting until sky can puke. lol! I should probably be doing more stuff with my holiday but i just don't have the mood to do anything at all. Homed at 11 plus yesterday, at vivo we saw this woman who look like annoying orange i swear! no joke. :) 

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