Saturday, April 9, 2011

All over again

gonna blog since i'm feeling down. Hopefully you will see this. I'm really sorry for all the wrong things that i've done. i now know how lucky i am to find you. your actions are always the sweetest, I feel so happy when im with you. i hope this will never end.  although you say that i'm thinking too much, i know that you still hate me or what about it, and i wish you can forgive me and really go back to before. the way you talk to me now is like you dont care. if you dont like something just tell me? i wouldn't mind. i really do love you alot, maybe before i didnt, but now i just want to be with you and no one else. Is not i want to keep think too much, but you make me like that. i trying my best to talk to you very good alr even though you reply me diff. and i dont want to keep irritate you and saying so much because i know you will be angry. hope that you still love me the same, i'm so lucky to have you, i love you for who you are. you're the only one i want to be with, and you're so important to me. even if i talk to guys, and you think im flirting or what, at the end of the day you're still the one i think about before i go to sleep, the only one i want to spend my time with, the only person who i wait for every morning for your msg even though i should be sleeping. i really love you alot, i know maybe you still don't believe, hope you wont ever leave. 

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