Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No other you.

just came back from meeting dearest girl at tanglin, don't know how long since we had our alone time! Today was my first day back to school, SO FUNNNN -.- going to study like hardcore this 2 months if i can. Can't remember what i did these few days, only remembered on sunday went to church after that went to simei for jael's birthday with co. happy 17th <3. after that went off to meet baby. anyway i love ivah leyhhhh, had a great time with her recently!!! i decided to write something for my boyfriend on each post starting for now incase he comes and visit!

To my boyfriend: hihihihi, although we've only been together for 5 days but i know you already tried your best and give in to me for all the many stupid things that i do and all those things i scolded you. You never scolded me back or do the same thing that i did to you. i know you trying your best to give me everything and make time for me even though you're very busy. I know i've been very unreasonable, but i'm trying to change k? i will try to understand with you more :) i won't leave you, i love you and i miss you nowww!! but you sleeping :( :( heheh. it's okk, tmr morning you have work earlier than my school time :B, work hard baby!! <3 <3

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