Saturday, May 21, 2011


"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and 

going away means forgetting.."

argh, gonna get baptist later and i suddenly forget why i'm doing it.. anyway, last night went to watch pirates awesome movie thanks to johnny depp as usual :) Can't remember what i've been doing the recent days. hmm, i constantly get sick and so i think i'm gonna die soon. 14 more days to america! Can't wait to get away fom Singapore actually, kinda getting sick of this place :/ i'm gonna recall what i did this week only, tuesday was public holiday i think? went for bbq that monday night and thursday went to town with sam and rynne. blogger kind of boring, i want to go tumblr now <3. 
I realised i'm not ready to be in a relationship, i can't accept people's flaws anymore, i can't love a person like i did with him, i can't commit myself. But then i realised because i haven't find that special someone yet, so i wouldn't bother too much, live young! :) and to someone, if you can't make up my mind, then i wouldn't give a fuck too. don't worry about what i feel towards you, i can make myself forget, this is nothing compared to what i've been through. my pride and face is so much more worth then you and waiting.

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