Tuesday, June 14, 2011

it gets better

 hi aliens! i'm in San francisco now, going seattle later. can't wait to see my cousins. i don't get how it's summer but its freezing cold like winter, my skins tearing apart because of it :( anyway, i miss singapore so much, miss a few people. but i realised i still have 40 more days before i'm back so yeah. can't believe going to miss out on prince's 18th birthday, sigh, gonna miss a lot of fun.

anyway this dog on top just written me a post on her dead blog. so sweet laa, i smiled till my face exploded! miss her alot, can't wait for me and her birthday!!! like crazy dogs on the loose. hahhah.

i miss this girl alot :( glad that we're becoming closer again, twitter her like sot <3

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