Monday, February 7, 2011

oh oh oh oh,

ahh, i feel happy today! I should feel happy like this everyday seriously, imagine how much better life will be if we're always happy. I realise every weekend i'm not in singapore for the past 3 weeks, and then this weekend going away again. i love my life now, i think :) And i'm starting to appreciate my parents more. So, i have been stressing on courses that i want to take after 2 years, but i decided to just study hard first and see how it goes. Yesterday night was talking to someone on the phone. it's been a long time since we talk that way right, i know we were both happy. But is my past life really something i want to go back to ? :/ so many taijis and so many lanjiao things happening around me and things that i have to solve. i hate it, so trying to get away from all those things now. Anyway, i'm making bro's invitation now for aloha chalet next month. argh, that asshole is going to be 18. jealous :( so many things coming up. hmm, my second session of laser is this thur. argh, even though its not like want-to-die pain, but i dont like the feeling, it's like someone shooting you. HAHHA. okk, 9 more sessions to go so that this stupid tattoo will be gone. :)

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